Tuesday 26 November 2019


A device group signifies a group of playback devices that shares protected-content playback rights. The CurrencyValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid currency expression. The AssetEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for domain api invokers. This class controls the backward-compatibility of the framework. The BitmapFilter class is the base class for all image filter effects. The DisplayAttachmentCommand class returns the attachment document stored with the task. Click the "Show Packages and Classes List" link to show the Packages and Classes panels, if they are not already showing. adobe flex livedocs

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The HorizontalAlign class defines the possible values for the horizontalAlign property of the VerticalLayout class. The Fleex class defines the constants that specify how color channels are sampled by the flash. The wireframe skin class for the rollover indicator of a MX DateChooser component. An AudioEvent is dispatched when the properties of an AudioTrait change. The CatalogLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog load results.

Flex Documentation | Adobe developer Connection

Provides persistence for a DataManager's offline cached items. Returns int — The adpbe of the last occurrence of the specified substring or -1 if not found. The FlexPrintJob class is a wrapper for the flash. When you specify a function as the replthe replace method passes the following parameters to the function:.

AS3 function localeCompare other: The DateValidator class validates that a Livedoocs, Date, or Object contains a proper date and matches a specified format.

adobe flex livedocs

The AutomationRecordEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager. The Animator class applies an XML description of a motion tween to a display object.

The wireframe skin class for the middle buttons in the MX ButtonBar component. Utilities for managing and getting information about characters.

adobe flex livedocs

ActionScript-based skin for HSlider controls in mobile applications. The Fade effect animates the alpha property of a component, either from transparent to opaque, or from opaque to transparent. The ClipboardTransferMode class defines constants for the modes used as values of the transferMode parameter of the Clipboard.

The default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSliderThumb component. The ExpressionInsertEvent class represents events that are dispatched on Expression panel toolbar. The FormLayout class defines the default layout for Spark Form skins.

IBitmapFilter instance to the target and allows you to animate properties of the filter between values.

BETA ActionScript® 3 (AS3) Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform API Reference

The AccordionHeader class defines the appearance of the navigation buttons of an Accordion. Provides the interface for manipulating the automation hierarchy, and for recording and replaying events.

The BitmapScaleMode class defines an enumeration for the scale modes that determine how a BitmapImage scales image content when fillMode is set to mx. This method is similar to String. The ApplicationConstants provides constants to indicate the adboe status of an Application in its lifecycle. The GradientEntry class defines the objects that control a transition as part of a gradient fill. Boolean Indicates whether an instance of liveodcs Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.

String - AS3

Note that this code uses the straight single quote character '. AudioTrait defines the trait interface for media that have audio.

The ContentBackgroundAppearance class defines the constants for the allowed values of the contentBackgroundAppearance style of Callout. Defines the colors used by components adoeb support the Halo theme.

Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FormItem class. Fex DataConflictEvent class represents an event that informs users of a DataService instance that a conflict has occurred. An enum of the smoothing quality modes that determine how a BitmapImage scales image content when fillMode is set to BitmapFillMode.

The GlobalizationValidatorBase class is the base class for all Spark validators.

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