Wednesday, 11 December 2019


Its like a puzzle, at one point you hear a "click" and your kick sings with the track. Anyway, so nice of them that they sent you the alternative version. Maybe I shouldn't reply to these technical threads when I'm buzzed. The final key of the kick? Lost to the Void wrote: bazzism

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Intelligent Sounds & Music BazziSM 2

I would like to give it a try maybe, but it's too old, and I'm using 64bits vst, and my Jbridge it's fuck'd up or I don't really remember how to use it. Barry Gardner - Mastering Engineer - masteringmastering. Just did a drunk experiment and I can play from -C2 on the keys negative C2 all the way up through the low end spectrum. One of the limitations I've found in my own productions though is that you have to spin up a new instance if you have differently kicked tunes in the C0-F1 range instead of just being able to tune the kick by taking the MIDI pitch I play C0, I get a C0 tuned kick.

Anyone know if it is possible to configure BazzISM in that way? Its like a puzzle, at one point you hear a "click" and your kick sings with the track.

Intelligent Sounds & Music BazziSM 2 Reviews & Prices | Equipboard®

I've had mostly experiences with design software baxzism the approach of music production plugins developers comes as quite a shock to me. The quick solution would be to just assign those parameters to macros or even one macro just to avoid opening the vst window.

There is no point in doing that if you already have the version that does that with midi, but in case it didn't you can try that. This is not techno precisely there is some overlap in techniques presented at times but the guy gives some insight into Kick2's power as he synthesizes some kicks from other tracks he liked, navigate to Last thing i heard was the CLR album. Bazzksm rather make experimental EQ boosts in Toraverb.

I don't really use that kind of kick designers anymore, I'm bazziism into kicks samples processed by tape recordings or bazziam desks for the layers. I often find myself experimenting with variously tuned kicks in breakbeat songs and that experimentation is really slowed down when I have to open up the plugin window each time I want to try something different. I think the key is knowing what a good kick is. Anything else worth listening to?

The final key of the kick? And to the point mentioned above, it's easy enough to tune the output of Bazzism so it works in your mix. I guess I'll stick with what's available though I've reached out to the developers to see why they made this decision.

Then you just bazziem the loop marker along the clip to get different notes and the fEnd will be the only parameter affected.

Btw, how is that bazzism working out for you? You can get bazzlsm pitches if you play from a lower octave. The advice I can give is to always tweak your kick in context of the bassline as they have to work together and well. During my workflow I am constantly going back to the pitch of the kick even when i am finishing a track ; it is really important for me to be able to correct the pitch at the start of the kick and at the body of the kick.

You can definitely hear it in all of T47's Primate. It is subjective of course.

So maybe a decent kick synth would do Do you have a 64bit link? It's falling off the low end of the spectrum analyzer - all the low end range you could ever dream of from this life and through the next.


But this is not necessarily the tone of the kick, is it? Maybe I shouldn't reply to these technical threads when I'm buzzed. Do you manage to design the final kicks not using anything else?

Not entirely clear, but have sent back an email asking for details so hopefully they respond. Of course you can eq and process but I am a believer of getting things right as close to source as possible. Atm Bazzizm synthesise them in a regular synth vst and just drop loads of effects, resample, drop some more effects, resample again and so on.


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