Monday, 9 December 2019


Link is perfect please make sure you are typing in the proper and correct link in to your browser address tab! This will save GPRS data. Users only need to join Virtual like rooms and the VRoom will randomely select and vote for users. Everything in VRooms is controlled by swift team. So now users can enjoy autolike while sleeping: swifty 3v5

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This will also be usefull for low end phones that ask Access point every time swifty execute like URL. Link is perfect please make sure you are typing in the proper and correct link in to your browser address tab! Everything in VRooms is controlled by swift team.

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Users only need to join Virtual like rooms and the VRoom will randomely select and vote for users. VRooms are rooms having no mig33 control. To win prizes based on coins c Virtual Rooms This is the most important feature of swiftymig V4.

Swifty 3v5

You can play games with coins. Do wait for minutes as some networks may take time to load! Auto reply message will be taken as new status message and a new character will be placed at the end of status message every 2 minutes just like SwiftBot Contactlist management: So no more colored auto wc swigty SwiftPrints.

Hopefully users will enjoy this latest release.

Swifty 3v5 download

However this will consume more GPRS data so be careful. After that join avatar rooms and just wait your turn for vote. I personally suggest you use interval of 5 as it is best and accommodates likes as well as network! No more dc at.

Swifty 3v5 download

Swiftlikes are also working you can enjoy both likes at the same time! For fast GPRS, you may set it to 3! Auto likes are now working at a very fast speed too!

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So autolike will work at 3 IDs at a time…3 in 1 autolike. This is important step, you should repeat this step if you get any unexpected error.

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Simply login with swifty 3v5 and va va voom get likes automatically veryhappy no need to do anything! You can get contactlist at mig33 browser and manipulate it like delete contact, private user etc.

Most imortant being the virtual rooms. So now users can enjoy autolike while sleeping: This will save GPRS swifhy. Now swifty will not execute autolike URL every few minutes. Just sit back login and Relax!

Some old features either removed or modified, Many new features for room admins also added. For the time being VRooms are under beta testing, there might be many bugs but everything will be perfect as soon as possible Download swifty4v1 After downloading…….

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